Haddam Ambulance Association Hosting Food Drive
Submitted by Dawn Alger. The Haddam Volunteer Ambulance Association will host a Food Drive for the Haddam Food Bank on Saturday, May 23, 2020, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.…
Haddam: Dog License Renewal & 2020 Transfer Station Pass Info
Notice from the Haddam Town Clerkâs Office – COVID-19 Added 5/11/20: The Town Clerk’s office strongly recommends doing the entire process by mail. They will not issue any Transfer Station…
How Haddam-Killingworth Does Distance Learning
By Kathy Brown. May 5 was Teacher Appreciation Day, which was part of an overall Teacher Appreciation Week, which goes from Sunday May 3 – Saturday May 9 in 2020.…
Haddam Neck Volunteer Fire Department Celebrates their 50th Anniversary
By Kathy Brown. The Haddam Neck Volunteer Fire Department was formed in Sept. 1968 with 15 charter members. In the afternoon on Saturday, Sept. 15, 2018, the Haddam Neck Volunteer…
Football 2018: HKHS vs. Coginchaug/East Hampton/Hale Ray
Submitted by Barth Keck, Asst. Coach. On Sat., Sept. 15, 2018, the Haddam Killingworth High School Varsity football team defeated Coginchaug/East Hampton/Hale Ray in Higganum with a final score of…
Obituary: Frederick Riedinger
According to Legacy.com and The Hartford Courant, Frederick Riedinger, age 86, of Haddam, passed away on Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2018. He was a bus driver for Regional School District #17…
Obituary: Robert Boulay
According to Legacy.com and The New Haven Register, Robert “Bob” Boulay, age 61, of Killingworth, passed away on Thursday, Sept. 13, 2018. For more information and service details, please click…
Obituary: Floyd Burr
According to Legacy.com and The Middletown Press, Floyd Burr, age 81, of Higganum, passed away on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2018. For more information and service details, please click HERE.
Looking for Forever Home: Stevie
Submitted by Judith Levin. Stevie (nicknamed Evie) was dumped at Norwich Animal Control by her owner with Glaucoma in her left eye. She was in so much pain. Ct Animal…
Obituary: Bernard J. Wichrowski
Bernard Wichrowski, age 91, of Higganum, CT, passed away on Saturday, Sept. 8, 2018. For more information, and service details, please click HERE.