Submitted by Sierra Lopez.

(Middletown, CT.) Chairman Don DeVivo of the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce announced the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce continues to connect business owners from around the county with information and resources in preparation for business recovery by supporting the community with educational webinars and workshops.

The Chamber calendar continues to move full steam ahead this week with a host of important events and activities conducted through online portals that will benefit the business community.

To kick off the second week of May, the Chamber will host a KeyBank Workshop Series on May 12th at 8:00 a.m., titled, “Strategic Planning Demystified” presented by Business Counselor, Jim Jackson from CT Small Business Development Center. Jim will break down strategic planning into clear and concise steps that will lead to focused progress and predictable outcomes that any size organization can achieve.

Followed right after, is an in-depth Town Hall discussion with Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro on May 12th at 11:00 a.m. DeLauro will share insight as to what future funding will look like and answer any concerning questions from participants.

Also, on May 12th at 2:00 p.m. the Tuesday Tips campaign is back this week with another important session titled, “Positioning Your Business For Success When Connecticut Re-Opens.” This webinar will be presented by Updike, Kelley & Spellacy, P.C. and will focus on Employment Law, Government Relief, Taxes, and Navigating the intersection of SBA and CARES ACT Relief.  The Program will also feature opportunity for questions and answers with UKS attorneys Christopher L. Brigham, Valerie F. Ferdon, Richard M. Dighello, Donald R. Seifel and Richard D. Carella.

Chamber President, Larry McHugh noted, “I want to once again urge the business community to hang in there, and to lean on the chamber and other resources that are available at this time.”

To register for upcoming webinars and workshops, visit